Friday, June 13, 2008


I love Fridays. It's generally my day off. Today was GEORGEOUS weather! The kids and I went up to meet Glen for lunch. First I did a little work. Justin's favorite sentance right now is "Thanks Mom." He says it anytime anyone gives him anything or does anything for him. (He still hoots like a howler monkey when hes mad. We are taking them to the zoo so he can see his natural relatives.) It makes me feel good that the kids first real sentance is for me. (Even though he did say Dad AND Grandpa first!)
We spent the rest of the afternoon at Deseret Industries. I love that place. I can spent $150 bucks and get name brand practically new summer wardrobes for all 4 and a half kids, plus tons of treasures I or the kids find.
We went swimming when we got home. The kids love having the pool so close. I sometimes don't.
There was a little work to be done on the house. And some work to be done to be ready to go to work tomorrow. I gotta go cuddle with that one guy.....oh ya, my husband.

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