Monday, October 26, 2009

Spooky Halloweenie Ghosts

Okay, so yesterday I watched Ghost Hunters all afternoon...Something I don't normally do- Just sit and watch tv all day LOL, but it happened. This morning I noticed a few odd goings on in our own house. I had been doing laundry all morning, going down about every hour to change the clothes over. We have a few sacks of stuffed animals in the unfinished/laundry section of our basement. I have been putting stuffed animals in this sack...In fact I had brought down a few and put them in early this am. About 9ish, I noticed three of the animals were out of the sack. I thought the kids had been in playing. I didnt move them. About an hour or so later they were on the floor. Same thing, blew it off thinking the kids had been in messing with stuff. The sacks are pretty close to the door that separate the laundry from the play room, and even if it was dark in the laundry room they might have got in to investigate....At about 11 I went down and two of the animals were in the center of the dark laundry room face down laying on the drain- and unfortunatly dirty now. I realize the cats could have been batting them around, or the kids could have come in and thrown them. But no way would any of the kids go into that dark room alone. The single light in the area is a pull string and none of the kids are tall enough to reach it. So I washed the two animals, put them back on the sack, booby trapped the door, LOL, to see if it is kids or cats moving around and so far, nothing yet. BUT when I just went down there I was sorting the clean laundry into baskets- maybe a little disheartened that the animals had not moved and out of the corner of my eye I saw a large full sized man shadow in that doorway that leads to the toy room. At the same time the cat hissed at the same spot the shadow was, and turned into a puff ball! I walked to the spot about 6 strides and could hear soft moving up the stairs. I thought perhaps it was the cat or the dog. I stuck my head around the corner of the stairs and heard the same soft movements on the floor above me. Now this could be my imagination, and the cats imagination, but our dog and our fat cat do not move "softly" on anything. I am not afraid just a bit unnerved. I commented on my Facebook page about the weird stuff this morning and then remembered last night the dog starred at the same spot in the room for almost an hour last night. No growling or anything, just starred, she would barely take her eyes off the spot and respond to us as we were sitting in the living room watching tv. I think we need one of those magnetic field meter thingies the GH teams use to measure the electromagnetic field in our house to see if that is what is makin us crazy. I didnt recognize the "spirit" so I dont think it was my dad or anyone I me thinking though.

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