Friday, January 23, 2015

Happy Biking Thoughts

I've been riding my bike lately, which is good, since I hate exercise. I started last summer to help deal with anxiety. I was thinking the other day, as I was riding along, it might be funny to jot down some of the things that I think when I am going along. I have trouble getting my mind to settle down. I try counting the breaths or concentrating on the music, but before long my thoughts are drifting on to "what if someone is breaking into my car RIGHT NOW?! I left my bag out where people could see it." Or my foot is cold, my foot is cold, my foot is cold." "Is that a gorilla over there? I swear to God that is a gorrill.....OH its a horses butt!" To deal with anxiety in general, when it's really really bad I focus on a movie or TV show and try to rethink through the whole thing from start to finish without forgetting anything. I was thinking about the Lord of the Rings. I was thinking that it felt like I was Frodo off to Mordor to drop the ring off. Only in my situation it would be me hopefully dropping my fat off in Mordoor. HA! God I am so funny. "OHPS, don't crash the bike. God it's cold. Who's brilliant idea was this? It's almost dark. I'm no where near done. I'm going to freeze out here!! No one knows where I am. Oh my God. No one knows where I am. I have a phone. If something happens I have my phone. Poor Frodo, he didn't have a phone. I'm sure there were butterfly's along the way. Why didn't they just get a butterfly to get an eagle for them to ride? Well, there would be no story if they rode the eagles all the way to Mordor. I wonder what it would have been like if they had bikes to ride part of the way? Hobbits and bikes, that's funny. I'm pretty sure they had bikes. My butt hurts. AHhh, that's better. This sucks! NO. I love this...." And I truly do. It feels kinda like flying. (Only your legs are working and your arms are working to keep your fat old body on the bike seat.) But really, it's dusk, in winter. And the mountains are glorious. Everything is a pinkishy warm hue-mostly from the sun setting through the smog. The sun hits the clouds and they are fiery reds and pinks. (That's where the idea of Mordor probably came from, only then I start to do math.) " Well if I rode to the point in the mountain where the sun is setting and everything is on fire that would be way out west, and it takes us an hour to drive to the Larry Miller raceway-and that's an hour going 75 or 80 miles an hour, I do about 12 miles in an hour...oh great! I'd never make it. I can't even be out after dark alone by myself! WAIT, why are there so many cars leaving Bountiful? Has the zombie apocalypse happened and I don't know about it and I'm out here by myself and no one is going to call me because they are all running away or being eaten by zombies? Did they forget me? There are WAY too many people going to the free way. Can I out ride a zombie? HUM, maybe for a while. I haven't gotten any texts lately, usually when I ride I get text messages. I wonder...." And here my Chipmunks singing a Christmas song ring tone plays- because yes, its the 20 something of January and I haven't changed my ring tone....."Oh thank god, they are calling me, they didn't forget me! OH, its the orthodontist automated reminder call....Well, I guess zombie apocalypse is a little far fetched. I hope Glen can take Gomer to the orthodontist. There are an odd number of cars on the road. I've never seen cars backed up on the Legacy freeway before. Oh ice on the path. ICE ON THE PATH!! OMG don't crash, don't crash!! Oh my God, I almost crashed. My finger hurts! Did anyone see that? All those cars are backed up, they probably all saw me." Thankfully, there was no crashing, but I did go on to compare my bike to Sam carrying Frodo up the mountain. I feel like my bike did most the work that day. My fat wasn't delivered to the fiery pit of doom, but maybe someday it will be.